

2023年联合招收华侨港澳台学生入学考试 英语
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2023 年中华人民共和国普通高等学校
I. 听力(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分;满分 30 分)
例:Man:I wonder why the office is still not open.
Woman:But it's not yet eight In fact, it's only a quarter to eight.
When does the office of the
A. At 8:30.
B. At8:15.
C. At 8:00.
D. At 7:45.
答案是 C。
听第 1 段材料,回答第 1 小题
1. How the speakers go to the cinema?
A. By subway.
B. By bike.
C. By bus.
D. By taxi.
听第 2 段材料,回答第 2 小题
2. What has been left behind?
A. A coat.
B. A bag.
C. The umbrella.
D The shoes.
听第 3 段材料,回答第 3 小题
3. What is the man probably?
A. A businessman.
B. A chef.
C. A journalist.
D. A writer.
听第 4 段材料,回答第 4、5 小题
4. What does Alice like
A. Reading books.
B. Sewing clothes.
C. Going shopping
D. Mending machines.
5. What are the speakers going to do?
A. Make :skirt.
B. Go surfing online.
C. Visit a bookstore.
D. Watch the competition.
听第 5 段材料,回答第 6、7 小题
6. What are the speakers talking about?
A. The weather.
B. Online reading.
C. Doing exercise.
D. Going on a trip.
7. What will the speakers probably do next?
A. Check the weather report.
B. Use the computer.
C. See a doctor.
D. Go into the room.
听第 6 段材料,回答第 8 至第 16 小题2
8. Why does the man make the phone call?
A. To check his computer.
B. To make an appointment.
C. To require for a service.
D. To explain how to get online.
9. What is /wrong with the internet?
A. It works insteadily.
B. It charges too much.
C It fails to connect.
D. It lacks security.
10 . How do you describe the woman in this talk?
A. Helpful.
B. Impatient.
C. Impolite.
D. Curious.
听第 7 段材料,回答第11至第15小题
11. What is Tom now?
A. An actor.
B. A film director.
C. A photographer.
D. A cinema manager.
12. How old is Tom at the time of the interview?
A. 10.
B. 20.
C. 30.
D. 50.
13. What is Tom going to next?
A. Perform in some action movies.
B. Study more about acting.
C. Direct some TV series.
D. Film his life story.
14. How does the woman feel when Tom said that he might retire?
A. Disbelieving.
B. Joyful.
C. Disappointed.
D. Angry.
15. What can we say about Tom?
A. He’s very strong.
B. He’s hard-working.
C. H’s becoming popular.
D. He’s very kind.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 16 至第 20 小题
16. Where is Sonata from?
A. London.
B. Lithuania.
C. Russia.
D. Germany.
17. What was Sonata back in not country?
A. A dance teacher
B. A foreign language learner.
C. An experienced that.
D. A skillful public speaker.
18. Why did Sonata learn a new language?
A. Ty use it in her work.
B. To run a business.
C. Fe name some friends.
D. To get a degree.
19. Why did Sonata mention her daughter's dance lessons?
A. It is to show her love for her daughter.
B. It is a turning point in her life.
C. Her daughter speaks English well.
D. Her daughter is good at dancing.
20. What is the reason for Sonata to keep two jobs?
A. To get trained in teaching.
B. Being tired of working at the bar.
C. To save money for her daughter.
D. Being uncertain about her teaching position.3
Ⅱ.英语运用(共 35 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 35 分)
A)单项填空(共 15 小题)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
21.—Morgan,I'm off now, okay? Remember to lock the front door and shut all the windows.
— Bye, Mum.
, won’t you?
A. Check it out
B. Be quick
C. Let me go with away
D. Have a lovely time
22. Steve runs a training company,
in “mindful time management”.
A. to specialize
B. specialises
C. specialising
D. specialised
lane and Ellie are friends from school gate years, Kim and I go was back to
secondary school.
A. While
B. Unless
C. As though
D. If'
24. It is the last day of school, and there’s a lightness
,a feeling of expectation.
A. in the air
B. by the way
C. through the all
D. in the way
25. The company went through a bad time last year, but
things have been improving.
A. later
B. lately
C. in the end
D. at the end
26. Mum
numerous excuses about why I can’t visit her in Wales.
A. always has been arming with
B. has been armed with always
C. has always been armed with
D. is being always armed with
27. Kate’s dream has been
he way through school and apply for the Music College,and
maybe one day stand on a stage
A. working
B. worked
C. works
D. to work
28. Just to help things along, perhaps you
all say a few words about yourselves, and why
you decided to do the course?
A. could
D. must
C. would
D. may
29. There are many things, many pollutants in indoor air
cigarette smoke.
A. move meet
B. other than
C. even with
D. but for
30. --I live just outside York.
→So do my parents. It’s
I was brought up.
A. how
B. which
C. when
D. where
31. I keep wanting to take pictures with my phone as it seems almost criminal to be presented with
such beautiful dishes and not photograph them to show
at home.
A. no-one
B. anyone
C. everyone
D. someone
32. I can
contain my excitement hearing all about his great plans to start a new business.
A. probably
B. hardly
C. exactly
D. immediately
33.—So what are you and your son up to this summer?
—Nothing. Can you imagine my 18- year old wanting to come away
A. over
B. with
C. by
D. for
34.—Sounds like an awful lot to do for one day.
—It’ ll be fine. It’s not
re going to be thrown to the lions.
A. except for
B. because of
C. as if
D. like before
35. Every time Brad areas a French word, he says it properly Frenchly with the throaty “r thing,
and obviously I don’t have a clue what
A. anything
B. something
C. nothing
D. one thing
B)完形填空(共 20 小题)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36 至 55 各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最硅答案。
The Great Pumpkin Hunt.
It was just pumpkins we were looking for that Saturday. We were searching for pumpkins that
we could
into jack-o’- lanterns for Halloween. We wanted lots of them to 37 our front
My brother Tim and I went to the where we usually get pumpkins 39 .They said they
only had some 40 Dies that were too small to carve.
Now what would we do? We went home,
41 if Mom or Dad would have any ideas.Dad
said he would 42 of for a ride to see if a roadside vegetable 43 had some pumpkins.“I can't
44 they won’t,” he said.“ It is October, after all.”
So we 45 me the car and drove out of town. The vegetable stand Dad 46 was there!
And we didn’t see any 47 , either.
I guess the 48 Mom saw us, she knew that we had been 49 . But she said we should
50 with her. This time she drove. She seemed to know 51 where she was going.
As she 52 the car into the parking lot of City Hall, we sad a farmers’ 53 .wow!There
were thousands of pumpkins of all sizes.
We 54 some of our own money on the biggest we we'd ever had. We got some ordinary-
sized ones, too. Even Dad and Mom 55 the are them. And our porch is now a fantastic sight!
36. A. change
B. grow
C. cook
D. carve
37. A. decorate
B. make up
C. build
D. show off
38. A. kitchen
B. store
C. field
D. factory
39. A. every year
B. every mo
C. for now
D. for free
40. A. ugly
B. good
C. baby
D. broken
41. A. guessing
B. worrying
C. discussing
D. wondering
42. A. send
B. look
C. take
D. prepare
43. A. stand
B. shop
C. farm
D. advertisement
44. A. doubt
B. believe
C. insist
D. think
45. A. looked
B. stole
C. crowded
D. piled
46. A. lord
B. managed
C. owned
D. remembered
47. A. others
B. people
C. lanterns
D. ones5
48 . A. place
B. minute
C. reason
D. way
49. A. defeated
B. careless
C. cheated
D. unsuccessful
50. A. play
B. talk
C. come
D. work
51. A. readily
B. exactly
C. sensibly
D. vaguely
52. A. pushed
B. led
C. turned
D. dropped
53. A. department
B. gathering
C. market
D. celebration
54. A. lent
B. used
C. saved
D. bid
55. A. helped
B. learned
C. asked
D. urged
Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共 20 小题每小题 2.5 分;满分 50 分)
As a scientist researching marine plastic pollution,I thought I had seen a lot . Then, early in
2013 I heard from Alex Weber,a high school student in California.
She was looking for guidance on an unusual environmental problem. While snorkeling (浮潜)
in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary near the town of Carmel-by-the-Sea,Alex and her
friends had repeatedly come across large numbers of golf balls on the ocean floor. As
environmentally conscious teens, they started removing golf balls from the water,one by one. By
the time Alex emailed me, they had directed over 10,000 golf balls.
Golf balls sink, so they don’t become eyesores for future golfers and beachgoers. As a result,
this issue had gone largely unnoticed. Alex wanted to create a lasting solution to this problem. I
told her what she should do was to carefully plan and record all future golf ball collections.
Alex, her friends and her father med their best. By mid-2018 the results were amazing:They
had collected nearly 40,000 golf balls near coastal golf courses. And following Alex's
encouragement, employees started to collect golf balls from beaches next to their
courses,amassing(累积) more than 10,000 additional balls.
In total, we collected 50,681 golf balls from the shoreline and shallow waters. By multiplying
the average number of balls lost per round played (1-3) and the average number of rounds played
yearly at one golf course, we estimated that players at these popular courses may lose over
100,000 balls per year to the surrounding environment.
Thanks to Alex Weber, we now know that golf balls erode() at sea over time,producing
dangerous microplastics. Recovering the balls soon after they are hit into the ocean is one way to
reduce their impacts. Alex is also working with people in charge to develop cleanup measures that
can prevent golf ball pollution in these waters from ever reaching these levels again. Although her
study was local, it sends a positive message:If a high school student can accomplish this much
through hard work and dedication, anyone can.
56. Why did Alex write an email to the author?
A. To know the author’s hobby.
B. To seek help from the author.6
C. To ask the author where to dive.
D. To give the golf balls to the author.
57. What do the underlined words “Alex’s encouragement”in paragraph 4 refer to?
A. Planning for more of contests.
B. Building more golf courses.
C. Collecting more golf balls.
D. Saving more money.
58. How through golf balls flew to the sea and surrounding places yearly according to the
A. About O,000.
B. About 40,000.
C. About 50,681.
D. About 100,000.
59. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A. The problems brought by golf balls in the sea.
B. The meaningfulness of Alex's achievement.
C. The cleanup methods people should try.
D. The support given by some managers.
Although April Fools' Day, also called ALL FooIs 'Day, has been celebrated for several
centuries by different cultures, its exact origins remain a mystery.
Some historians suggest that April Fools' Day dates back to 1582, when France switched
from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563.
People who were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the start of the new year had
moved to January and continued to celebrate it during the last week of March. And April 1 became
the butt of jokes and hoaxes(恶作剧).
Historians have also linked April Fools' Day to festivals such as Hilaria, which was
celebrated in ancient Rome at the end of March and involved people dressing up in
disguise.There’s also speculation that April Fools’ Day was tied to the first day of spring in the
Northern Hemisphere, when Mother Nature fooled people with changing, unpredictable weather.
April Fools’ Day spread throughout Britain during the 186 century. In Scotland, the tradition
became a two-day event, starting with “hunting the gawk (a word for cuckoo bird,a symbol for
fool),”in which people were sent on fake errands.(跑腿).
In modern times, people have gone to great lengths to create elaborate (煞费苦心的)April
Fools’ Day hoaxes. Newspapers, radio and TV stations and Web sites have participated in the
April 1 tradition of reporting outrage out fictional claims that have fooled their audiences.
In 1957, the BBC reported that Swiss farmers were experiencing a record spaghetti crop and
showed video clips of people harvesting noodles from trees;numerous viewers were fooled. In
1985, Sports Illustrated tracked many of its readers when it ran a made-up article about a rookie
pitcher rains named Finch who could throw a fastball over 168 miles per hour.In 1996, Taco Bell,
the fast food restaurant chain, duped people when it announced it had agreed to purchase
Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell and intended to rename it the Taco Liberty Bell. In 1998, after Burger
King advertised a“Left-Handed Whopper,”scores of clueless customers requested me make
60. What is in common among countries celebrating April Fools’ Day?
A. They adopted the same calendar.
B. They have some stories related to it.
C. They were governed by the Council of Trent.
D. They are happy about the coming warm season .
61. In which country did April Fools’ Day involve some sports in the 18th century?
A. France.
B. Germany.
C. Italy.
D. Britain.
62. What statement can we make about April Fools' Day celebration in modern times?
A. People care little about its origins.
B. Celebration events are reported truthfully.
C. Great efforts are made to make it fun.
D. Various forms of media plan it out together.
63. What do readers get from reading the last paragraph?
A. More examples.
B. Further explanations.
C. Names of joke makers.
D. Information of historical events.
64. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the text?
A. Why people make jokes on April Fools’ Day in ancient times.
B. How people celebrate April Fools’ Day in the Great Britain.
C. Misunderstandings about the traditions of April Fools’ Day.
D. Different stories about the origins of April Fools’ Day.
Through the centuries, there have been many different approaches to education in the
classroom. Some have emphasized discipline and rote learning; others have stressed a more open
approach. One of the more innovative (创新的) and influential educational philosophies of the
20th century was developed and promoted by a teacher whose name still lives on as a
prominent(杰出的) type of school:Maria Montessori.
Born in Italy in 1870, Maria Montessori was exceptional from the beginning. The only
female attendee of an all-boys school she excelled at her studies and eventually earned a degree
that made her one of it a s first female doctors. She became interested in education,and in 1907,
opened a child-care center in Rome called Casa del Bambini (Children's House)that allowed her to
put her educational theories into practice.
Foremost among her theories was the idea that children essentially teach themselves the
teacher’s primary responsibility is to create the appropriate environment for learning and provide
in park that allows children to develop naturally. Given the ability to be mobile and learn from
their surroundings rather than being forced to sit still and be lectured to, most children, even rough
inner-city kids, flourished under her system.
What came to be called the Montessori Method was a great success in Italy and soon spread
to the rest of the world. Montessori later developed materials geared ( 适 合 ) to the process
of“discovery learning”that she had set in motion Although in the United States the Method was
criticized and fell into disfavor during the wa years, it re-emerged in the 1960s and has remained8
an important part of America's educational landscape since.
Montessori devoted her life to developing her method, and she became a successful lecturer
and teacher trainer. She also became interested in peace education and brought it into her work.
She had been named for the Nobel Peace Prize for the third time when she passed away in 1952, at
the age of 81.
65. Which of the following best explains“rote learning”in paragraph 1?
A. Learning by repealing.
B. Learning by analyzing.
C. Learning through comparison.
D. Learning through creation.
66. What important decision did Maria Montessori make when she was already a doctor?
A. She started an all-boys school.
B. She turned to children's education.
C. She became a charity worker.
D. She studied educational theories.
67 . What is Montessori’s major belief in education?
A. School education is not necessary.
B. Children's houses provide good education.
C. More schools should be built for the poor.
D. Children can learn naturally with some support.
68. Which type of writing is this text?
A. Biography.
B. Novel.
C. Science fiction.
D. Literary criticism.
Dolphins have been known to snow many human-like behavioral characteristics. These
include forming complex relationships to accomplish common goals, teaching one another
survival skills, and every “babysitting”each other’s kids. Now, some researchers have discovered
another thing the intelligent mammals share with humans—a love for television!
For their research, Nelly A. Winship and Holli C. Eskelinen got 11 bottlenose and five
rough-toothed dolphins. The mammals were treated to two TV shows -episodes of Planet Earth
starting other dolphins as well as ones with just scenery, and clips from the popular kids series
Spongebob Squarepants. The researchers say the dolphins did not seem to care what was being
played. They were equally attracted by both---the realists imagery of Planet Earth and the
animation(动画) in Spongebob Squarepants.
Interestingly however was that the male dolphins spent more fine staring at the screens than
the females. They also responded more strongly to the programming by either showing aggression
(indicated by head jerks or a jaw clap), or interest (shown by raising their chin or pressing their
foreheads against the TV), or even blowing bubbles (indicating interest or aggression). Winship
and Eskelinen, who published their findings in the journal Zoo Biology, believe the display of
aggression was most likely as a result of the frustration (挫折) resulting from the inability to
physically interact with, or control, the TV.
Though there is a lot more to learn about the mammals’ television preferences, the scientists
believe suitable programming could be used as part of training programs for dolphins unfit to be9
released(放生) in the wild. The researchers also think monitoring their response to different kinds
of shows could provide scientists some insight into the mammals’ thinking process.
Dolphins are not the only animals that seem to share our passion for television. As most pet
owners are aware, dogs love it as well. In fact, dogs enjoy the entertainment so much that there is
now a special cable channel, DogTV, dedicated to creating special programming to keep doggies
happy while their humans are at work!
69. What does the author want to show by giving the example of“babysitting”?
A. Dolphins are protective.
B. Dolphins are intelligent.
C. Dolphins and humans are similar.
D. Dolphins feed their young collectively.
70. Why did Winship and Eskelinen get so many dolphins.
A. To produce a TV series.
B. To keep them as pets.
C. For an experiment.
D. As a tourist attraction.
71. What did scientists find when dolphins watch TV?
A. Dolphins respond to TV programs actively.
B. Dolphins are more interested in themselves.
C. Special TV programs can be made for dolphins.
D. Some TV shows can ease dolphins’ frustration.
72. What is one purpose of studying animals’ TV preferences?
A. To adjust animals’ thinking process.
B. To help release animals into the wild.
C. To create animal programs for kids.
D. To release pets’ anxiety for their owners.
Join WriCampia writing lab for twelve days at our creative, from and productive Sleepaway
camp in the Poconos in August!
At WriCampia, writers will spend their mornings in intimate wring workshops led by
published authors and produced playwrights, their afternoons participating in their choice of over
20 artistic and active electives, and their evenings a campfires, scavenger hunts, and readings.
Photos from WriCampia can be viewed of our Facebook page.
August 12 to August 2310
We welcome rising 4th graders through rising
12th graders. Bunks and workshop.will be organized
by grade.
Rising 4th through 11Graders as campers;
Rising 12th graders as Counselors-In-Training.
They receive extra leadership opportunities
that prepare them for professional experiences
in the future.
Limited financial aid will be available.
We will provide buses to and from WriCampia
for all campers. Buses will leave from and
return to Manhattan;Brooklyn;Hartsdale,
NY;West Orange,NJ;and Washington,DC.
A Typical Camp Day
7.5 AM Wake Up Call
8:00 AM to8:45 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Writing Workshop(led
by published author or produced playwright)
12:00PM to 12:45PM Lunch
1:25 PM to 2:50 PM Electives period 1
2:50 PM to 4:15 PM Electives period 2
4:15 PM to 4:25 PM Group gathering&snack
4:25 PM to 5:40 PM Electives period 3
5:45 PM to 6:30 PM Dinner
6:30 P M td7:30 PM Shower hour and free
7:30 PM to9:00 PM Evening activity
9:00 PM Camp curfew(lights out 9:30 PM)
Electives include: Filmmaking, roleplaying games, songwriting, novel writing,
swimming,boating, photography, and more.
Evening Activities include:Scavenger Hunts, Escape the Room, Campfires, Dance Party.and
73. What is WriCampia in this advertisement?
A. A some lab.
B. A drama.
C. An evening party. D. A writing camp.
74. Who are the major target customers of WriCampia?
A. Writers.
B. Playwrights.
C. Artists.
D. Students.
75. What activity will be provided from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
A. Roleplaying games.
B. Group gathering.
C. Dance party.
D Campfires.
V.书面表达(共 1 题,满分 20 分)
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